Let the Carnival Pump Begin

Trinidad and Tobago is the passport to everything Carnival. Ranked second best in the world, Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival awakens the fêting and revelry spirit of locals and foreigners who are immersed in a non-stop party atmosphere for approximately two months.

With just about fifty days to go, the countdown to Carnival 2017 is on! The hype of the season is the premier fêtes hosted prior to the biggest street parade that is Carnival. There is a little bit of everything for everyone from All-inclusive, Semi-inclusive, Boat Rides, Breakfast Parties and Cooler fetes. Not to mention, the After Carnival Cool Down fêtes, which signal the winding down of the festivities.

Trinis Know How To Party

Adrenaline pumping Trinis display their resilience during the Carnival season as we have mastered being able to function for the most part, after endless nights of fêting.  Carnival gives way for the freedom to be truly free, a feeling that seems to be elusive during the year. The anticipation to gyrate to the infectious beats of Soca with family and friends is well worth the wait.

Trinidadians are indeed the happiest people on earth as we can boast of a calendar specially dedicated to the numerous events and activities taking place at Carnival time.   The length of the Carnival season and the cost of tickets will determine how many fêtes Trinis will attend as some can go two or more events on a given night.

Plan Your Pump

As a tourist and service-oriented destination, websites like the Tourism Development Corporation (TDC) and Ticket Federation compile a list of confirmed Carnival fêtes so as to make your decision a bit easier. To get your carnival pump started for 2017 visit http://gotrinidadandtobago.com/events.html?c_id=5 or http://www.ticketfederation.com/schedule for schedules and or to purchase your fête tickets online.

On a smaller scale, Trinidad and Tobago also caters for our Trinis abroad or foreigners who are unable to partake. Traditional and social media platforms allow them to experience Carnival vicariously, although it is not quite the same.

When it’s all said and done, Trinidadians and foreigners find themselves trying to recover from a Carnival tabanca, only to be cured by next year’s season.


On Key

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