6 Things To Consider When Searching For Your Wedding Venue

Finding your wedding venue is definitely a big deal. Not only does it greatly affect your budget (be sure to look out for our budgeting tips) – finding your venue will set the general tone of how you envisioned your big day to unfold.  You may prefer low-key and intimate, a beach theme or a garden affair, or just maybe your classic black tie soiree. The choice is ultimately yours.

You would find that after you’ve had your “this is it” moment, a number of other details will quickly come to mind, such as colour scheme, decor, and most importantly, a ballpark figure of how many guests would be attending.

As soon as you figure out what works for you and your fiancé, then and only then, you can fully commit to signing on the dotted line. With this desicion behind you, you can begin compiling your guest list.

Here are some key things to consider when you begin your search for your dream venue:

  1. Location – Keeping your guests in mind; travelling arrangements etc.
  2. Capacity – Does this venue fit my estimated guest list?
  3. Availability – Is it available at my convenience?
  4. Type of venue – Does this venue fit my overall mood/theme?
  5. Rates/affordability – What is your budget?
  6. Facility extras – Are there any additional bonuses…catering, valet etc.



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